Davydova Lyudmila N.  –  Doctor in Pedagogy, professor: professor of Pedagogy, Lugansk State Pedagogical University, Lugansk, Russia,

Firsov Kirill N.  –  PhD in Pedagogy, assistant professor in Pedagogy, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

UDC: 37.025.3

Reality is always filled with surprises and a person can be exposed to various stressors and adverse situations. The problem of resilience at the individual level has long been studied by scientists from different countries. Currently, the research focus has shifted towards the development of the theory and practices of resilience, concentrating on a general understanding of this phenomenon as an individual's ability to overcome challenging situations and various circumstances in life, maintain psychological balance, successfully recover and adapt to adverse conditions, develop positively in the future and face new risks and challenges with dignity. The article considers resilience as a pedagogical phenomenon, the structural and substantive characteristics of which are presented from the standpoint of a generic concept. The authors draw attention to the fact that in the process of formulating the specific definition of resilience in pedagogy, sometimes the ratio of the generic subordinating concept and the specific (subordinate) concept is not observed, which leads to a violation of terminological subordination, direct duplication, and the essential features of the phenomenon get overlooked. In this respect, aimed at theoretical substantiation of the generic concept of resilience, its structure and functions, the research under discussion proves to be relevant. Based on a comparison of definitions, content analysis of the concept of resilience and logical generalization, its construct is highlighted, including overcoming, recovery, adaptation, development, as well as internal and external resources. A refined definition of resilience as a generic concept is presented, taking into account its nature. The research presents the first ever definition of the functions of resilience as a generic concept (i.e. the mobilizing, recovery, adaptation and development functions) which characterize the interdependence of the construct’s components. A structural and functional model of resilience as a generic concept, which presents an interrelation between its structure, functions and content, has been developed.

Key words: resilience; stability; resistance; generic and specific concept; internal resources; external resources; functions of resilience; structural and functional model of resilience

For citation: Davydova L. N., Firsov K. N. STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL MODEL OF RESILIENCE AS A GENERIC CONCEPT IN PEDAGOGY. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2024;(4):28–56. (In Russ.).


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