Emelianova Nadezhda A.  –  Candidate of Science in Philology; Associate Professor of the Chair of English Philology, Linguadidactics and Translation, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia, espere402@gmail.com

Kozodoy Kristina I.  –  Student of Pedagogical Education Master’s Program, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia, baxareva-kristina@mail.ru

Moshnikova Elvira V.  –  Candidate of Science in Pedagogy; Associate Professor of the Chair of English Philology, Linguadidactics and Translation, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia, elyalyona@mail.ru

UDC: 37.013.21

This article focuses on the development of communicative competence in the digital educational environment, using the example of teaching the Persian language. It presents an interactive online course designed for learning Persian (Farsi) and highlights the rationale behind creating this course and its integration into Persian language instruction. The definitions and key features of the online course, distance learning, and interactive education are clarified, emphasizing their advantages and role within the traditional classroom system. The article examines the stages of developing the online course and analyzes various options for its dissemination. Special attention is given to the practical implementation of the idea of creating an original online course, manifested in a series of lessons with multiple tasks. Detailed descriptions and screenshots of individual tasks are provided, focusing on the task hierarchy and potential changes in learners' emotional states when transitioning from simple exercises to more complex ones. The potential for using the course to enhance not only lexical skills but also speaking proficiency is emphasized. Examples of successful testing and implementation of the presented online course in Persian language classes in educational institutions at both general and higher professional education levels are provided.

Key words: teaching Persian; online-course; interactive teaching; Internet-resources; Internet-platform; vocabulary skill

For citation: Emelianova N. A., Kozodoy K. I., Moshnikova E. V. ENHANCEMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN A DIGITAL EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN TEACHING PERSIAN. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2024;(3):57–84. (In Russ.).


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