Yazykov Evgeny Yu.  –  Lecturer at the Department of Operational Art and General Military Disciplines, Krasnodar Higher Military School named after General of the Army S. M. Shtemenko, Krasnodar, Russia,

UDC: 355.23

The civil-legal culture of the individual, being an element of the basic personal culture, has a specific content for representatives of different professional communities, which consists in special preferences and / or taboos regarding social, economic, political activity. This provision is typical for the military professional sphere, with the corresponding professional mission, goals, means, etc., which are also reflected in the strategy of military professional education. In particular, due to the specifics of the value-target guidelines of military professional activity, in the process of preparing for it, there are often cases of dominance, «crowding out» of general civilian guidelines for education and upbringing by appropriate professional guidelines. As a result, graduates of military educational institutions, being qualitatively prepared for the implementation of professional roles and functions, experience value-oriented, semantic, cognitive and behavioral difficulties when it is necessary to perform other social roles, in particular, when performing general civil social functions. In the process of professional training, cadets effectively form professionally determined attitudes and patterns of behavior, which are fixed in the process of military professional activity and begin to spread beyond the limits of service conditions, to non-labor aspects of life. The developed technology for the formation of a personal civil-legal culture in students of military universities ensures the gradual creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions in such a way that at each stage, in accordance with the tasks at hand, complexes of key conditions are created through the use of adequate pedagogical tools and methods. The sequence of stages reflects the order of the accentuated development of certain structural components, based on the patterns of formation and development of personality traits.

Key words: military education institutions, legal culture, civil culture, servicemen, personality structure, civil rights, technology, value orientations, patriotism

For citation: Yazykov E. Y. TECHNOLOGY FOR FORMING A PERSONAL CIVIL-LEGAL CULTURE IN STUDENTS OF MILITARY HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS . Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2023;(2):49–68. (In Russ.).


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