Rules for sending, reviewing and publishing scientific articles

Financial policy

The cost of editorial and publishing services is 500 rubles. Payment is made only after the decision on an article publication is confirmed by the editorial office. No royalties are paid to the authors. The publication of the article is free of charge. Money received from the authors is used to pay for the transfer of published articles to the Russian Science Citation Index and to cover editorial expenses.

Article reviewing and publishing procedure

Journal Pedagogical Research checks the received materials with the system “Antiplagiat.VUZ”.

All the articles sent to the journal Pedagogical Research are reviewed.

Journal Pedagogical Research carries out double-blind reviewing, and reviewers can include both members of the editorial board, and external experts from among recognized experts on the subject of the reviewed materials who have publications on the subject of the reviewed article within the last 3 years.

The reviewers are appointed by the Chief Editor.

The reviewer takes into consideration: relevance for the field of study, interest for the journal, scientific level of the manuscript, novelty of the study, theoretical and/or practical significance. The conclusion of the review must include one of the following recommendations: accept (accept with the editorial correction), for revision, decline. 

Time for preparation of the review must not exceed 3 weeks. Time for the author to correct the work after it is reviewed and edited is 1 week. Final decision on publication, publication after the revision or decline of the article is made by the editing board of the journal.

The editing board provides a copy of a review or a motivated decline of the article (without naming the reviewer) to the author.

The reviews are kept in the editing office of the Journal for 5 years. In case of the request from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Education the editing board sends the copies of the reviews on the articles to the Ministry.

The article must be provided together with the scanned copy of the contract filled and signed by all the co-authors of the article. The author receives details and payment instructions after the decision to publish the article is made. If the payment for editorial and publishing services is made by a legal entity by bank transfer, it is also necessary to send a filled and signed letter of guarantee. The author receives invoices for payment, a deed and a contract for completion and approval after the decision to publish the article is made. When sending the article to the editorial office please indicate the preferable way of payment (as an individual or legal entity). For one certain publication we accept only one article by an author or an identical team of co-authors.

An e-mail provided by an author will be published in the Journal and will be publicly available. The phone number can be used by the editorial office only to contact an author. Articles sent to other journals, published previously or not meeting the subject matter of the Journal and the rules of formatting are not accepted.

Requirements for the formatting of the articles

Each article must include the following information:

  • full name of the author (authors);
  • academic degree, academic status;
  • position, place of work;
  • contact information (e-mail, phone number);
  • title of the article;
  • abstract;
  • keywords and key phrases;
  • references.

Information about the author (co-authors)

Full surname, first name, patronymic are provided in Russian and English.

Place of work or studies

Full name of the place of work/studies is provided in Russian and English and includes name of the country and the city (in the nominative case). Up to three places of work/studies can be provided. It is recommended not no indicate the branch of the educational institution since the information about work in the branches is not transferred to Russian Science Citation Index and is not taken into account by this or any other citation systems. Nevertheless, if necessary or preferable one may indicate the name of the branch alongside the main place of work as well as the name of the country and the city where it is located. The main place of work in the nominative case is indicated first, followed by the name of the branch in the nominative case.

Position, academic degree and rank

Information on position and structural subdivision at the place of work, academic degree and rank is provided in Russian and English. The students must indicate Undergraduate or Post-graduate. If the author wishes, it is possible to provide the name of the faculty or the chair, and specialty.


E-mail of each of the co-authors is published together with other information about the authors to make it possible to contact the author swiftly. Moreover, e-mail is provided to Russian Science Citation Index and other citation bases. It is important to provide real and working e-mail addresses for each author.

Title of the article

The title of the article is given in Russian and English. It must be precise, understandable to the specialists from other fields and reflect the essence of the article. We kindly suggest to avoid acronyms.


Abstract (from 100 to 250 words) is provided to the editing office in Russian and English.

Keywords and key phrases

Keywords and key phrases (8-10 units) are provided to the editing office in Russian and English.

Text of the article. Size of the article.

The article (excluding information about the authors, abstract and references) must be at least 15 pages. Font - Times New Roman, size - 14, line spacing - 1.5, paragraph indent - 1.25 cm, all margins - 2 cm.

Recommended structure of the article

Introduction (proving the relevance, indication the objective of the study)




Tables, pictures

Pictures must be clear, inscriptions must be easy to read.

If the width of the picture/table exceeds the width of the page, it is recommended to use a landscape orientation. If necessary to place a big picture (a plan, blueprint, large scheme, etc.) it is possible to contact the executive editor. If there are pictures and tables in the article (more than one) they must by numbered (separate numbering). References to the tables and pictures must be present in the text of the article.


If a special software besides standard Microsoft Office tools was used to make some formula, it is necessary to indicate them.


All acronyms must be deciphered when used for the first time.


References provided to the editing office in Russian and English.
The journal adopts the off-text references, which are placed in the order of mentioning in the text of the article, numbered. In the article, reference signs are used in the form of square brackets with a serial number from the “References" section. The author guarantees the correctness of references and quotations, the availability of all necessary permissions for the results, facts and other borrowed materials used in the article, the copyright holder of which he is not.

The example of making references:

  1. Tishkov V. A. The Russian people: space and culture. St. Petersburg: SPbGUP; 2018. 32 p. (In Russ.).
  2. Inkizhekova M. S. Categories «national identity» and «patriotism» in the modern educational environment. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie = Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2017;(4):34-44. (In Russ.).
  3. Сimatti B. Definition, Development, Assessment of Soft Skills and Their Role for the Quality of Organizations and Enterprises. International Journal for Quality Research. 2016;(10(1)):97-130.

There must be at least 10 references in the “References” section. They should include some references to articles in the leading Russian and foreign journals.