Lyakh Gennady Yu.  –  senior lecturer at the Chair of Physical Education, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia,

UDC: 378.4

The article presents a theoretically developed and empirically substantiated model of developing competitiveness in bachelors in the health-saving educational environment of the university. Its implementation focuses on achieving an integrative educational result, which is forming students’ competitiveness and, at the same time, preserving and improving their health. Target and methodological guidelines of pedagogical activity within the framework of the model are based on the proved connections between a person’s competitive qualities and indicators of physical, social and psychological health. In terms of organization and content, the model reveals the system of physical culture and health support for the development of competitiveness of students. Its functioning provides forming competitive qualities both directly and indirectly (by improving health), creating the prerequisites for the effective use of physical education potential for solving important problems of personnel training. The key factor for developing competitiveness is considered a students’ physical fitness activity, which is implemented in different ways according to individual abilities, needs and interests.

Key words: students’ competitiveness, competitive qualities, health indicators, health-saving environment of the university, model of training competitive bachelor students

For citation: Lyakh G. Y. DEVELOPING COMPETITIVENESS IN BACHELOR STUDENTS IN HEALTH-SAVING EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2022;(3):75–93. (In Russ.).


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