Smirnova Regina V.  –  Candidate of Science in Pedagogy and Psychology; Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogics and Psychology, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University Astrakhan, Russia ,

Korobkova Olga M.  –  Candidate of Science in Psychology; Associate Professor of the Chair of Social Pedagogics and Psychology, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University Astrakhan, Russia ,

Simonova Tatyana N.  –  Doctor of Science in Pedagogics; Head of the Chair of Remedial Pedagogics, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University Astrakhan, Russia ,

UDC: 37

Significance of forming students’ culture of health as a factor in safety of educational landscape is substantiated. Necessary conditions for this process are revealed. Culture of health as an element of personality culture in general, consists of cognitive and pragmatic, motivational and behavioral components. It influences socialization and self-affirmation of an individual in society based on the main determinants in the context of the psychological, physical, and social development of an individual. Attitude of students and teachers to a culture of health as a value of the modern society, as well as the role of the culture in providing safety of the society are studied. The study was conducted by means of a questionnaire in which 77 respondents took part. The results of the survey allowed to more fully describe the conditions for the forming a culture of health in a safe educational landscape highlighted by scientists. They include: taking into account the system-axiological, culturocentric, individual and activity-differentiated approach; relying on such principles as science, humanization, individuality, continuity, consistency and cyclicality; compliance with valeological requirements; personal self-improvement aimed at improving personal physical development, physical and functional fitness, as well as psychological state; understanding and awareness of health and healthy lifestyle as personal and social value.

Key words: culture of health, safety, components of culture of health, forming students’ culture of health, conditions for forming culture of health in a safe educational landscape, students, health-saving methods

For citation: Smirnova R. V., Korobkova O. M., Simonova T. N. FORMING STUDENTS’ CULTURE OF HEALTH AS A FACTOR IN SAFETY OF EDUCATIONAL LANDSCAPE. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2022;(3):24–39. (In Russ.).


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