Dosaeva Rufina Narimanovna  –  Сandidate of Psychological Sciences, teacher-psychologist of the of the SAI AR «Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance»,

UDC: 78.05

The article deals with the possibilities of musical folklore in the correction of emotional disorders in preschool children with mental retardation. The emotional development of preschool children with mental retardation is characterized by a low level of verbalization of emotions, inability to identify emotions, lack of positive emotional experience, and the presence of factors of emotional tension. Most children with mental retardation can express high irritability, anxiety, capriciousness, negativism, aggressiveness and fears. The study of the influence of music on the mental state of a person, psychomotor functions (movement, facial expressions, pantomime) revealed that music activates mental performance, optimizes cognitive activity, promotes concentration, improves short-term memory, increases the indicators of verbal and nonverbal intelligence, changes behavior. The synergy of the nature of musical folklore is considered, which is the possibility of a complex emotional impact of the modal structure of folk music, the perception of rhythmic structures on the receipt of certain emotional states and the normalization of the psychosomatic state.

Key words: correction, emotions, emotional disorders, emotional sphere, emotional states, identification of emotions, aggression, mental retardation, music, musical folklore

For citation: Dosaeva R. N. MUSICAL FOLKLORE AS A MEANS OF CORRECTING EMOTIONAL DISORDERS IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN WITH MENTAL RETARDATION. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2021;(2):60–72. (In Russ.).


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