Fedorova Tatiana A.  –  PhD in Philology, Associate Professor; Acting Physical Culture Department Chair, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia ,

Rybnikova Olga L.  –  Associate Professor, Master of Sports of the USSR, International Class; Associate Professor of Physical Culture Department, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia ,

UDC: 796.03

The article describes the experience of implementing the course «Fundamentals of project activity» at Astrakhan Tatishchev State University. The prospects for physical education teachers to study the course «Fundamentals of project activity» as a teaching method used for encouraging research activity and developing students' project thinking are outlined]. It has been revealed that project activity stimulates students to study the material at a more profound level and prepare for classes more thoroughly as well as to form the skills and abilities of research work. A variety of topics and areas of physical education and sports projects help students realize their research potential. Carrying out projects in the field, students gain practical experience in organizing and implementing physical education and wellness activities, as well as learn to work in a team, which contributes to the manifestation of students' organizational abilities and leadership qualities.

Key words: project-based learning, skill, project, project activity, design thinking, student, physical education, sport

For citation: Fedorova T. A., Rybnikova O. L. DEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT ACTIVITY SKILLS FOR FUTUREFURE PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2024;(1):87–100. (In Russ.).


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