ISSN 2782-2346
Saenko Ludmila A. – Doctor of Science in Sociology, Professor of the Chair of General Pedagogics and Educational Technologies, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol, Russia,
Trunov Nikolai N. – Senior Lecturer at the Training Centre, Krasnodar Higher Military School named after Army General S. M. Shtemenko, Krasnodar, Russia, kvvu@mа
Lipilina Elena Yu. – Candidate of Science in Pedagogics; Associate Professor of the Chair of General Pedagogics and Educational Technologies, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol, Russia,
Makrushina Inna V. – Candidate of Science in Pedagogics; Head of the Chair of Life Safety and Drug Prevention, Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar, Russia,
UDC: 37.04
The article substantiates personal moral characteristics as components of students’ competitiveness. Through the analysis of the structure and content of competitiveness, theoretical prerequisites of the validity of this statement are defined, namely, the recorded facts of including moral characteristics of a person in the components or factors of his competitiveness. Based on that, the development of students’ competitiveness is presented as an educational task of a university. The authors reveal groups of moral competitive qualities, which are determined on the basis of the views on the structure and content of competitiveness, the importance of moral qualities in the success of life of a modern person. Such views are presented in modern pedagogical scientific studies. Moral foundations of competitiveness are structured into cognitive, value, behavioral and personal (characteristic) qualities. The content of these groups and methods of their assessment are presented. Subsequently they will make it possible to design the educational process and to determine its effectiveness.
Key words: competitiveness, morality, competitive advantage, university students, quality of educational activity, moral foundations of competitiveness
For citation: Saenko L. A., Trunov N. N., Lipilina E. Y., Makrushina I. V. COMPETITIVENESS AS A MORAL PERSONAL QUALITY OF STUDENTS AND INDICATOR OF QUALITY OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2023;(1):5–23. (In Russ.).
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