Nakhmetova Maria S.  –  lecturer of psychology and information security; computer science teacher, Volzhsky branch of the State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution «Volgograd Medical College», Volzhsky, Russia; Secondary school No. 28 of Volzhsky, Volgograd region, Volzhsky, Russia,

Dumov Sergey B.  –  Candidate in Pedagogy, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Social Work Department, Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University, Volgograd, Russia,

UDC: 37.013.42

Deviation as a social phenomenon is studied within the framework of various theories, each of which offers a unique perspective on the causes and consequences of deviant behavior among minors. The authors examine the pedagogical aspects of deviance theories by describing such processes as education and upbringing of minors in the context of pedagogical prevention. The pedagogical aspect of deviance theories is an important field of research that considers how deviant behavior can be understood and transformed in an educational context. Incorporating deviation theories into pedagogical practice helps to identify the causes and mechanisms by which deviant behavior occurs, as well as to develop strategies for its prevention. The main tasks of pedagogy in this respect are to help minors to become aware of their actions and to form positive behavior patterns. As a result of a comparative analysis of deviance theories in Russia and Germany, the authors conclude that in these countries most theories focus on socio-cultural conditions, i.e. the discrepancy between the means of achieving goals and social norms that contribute to the emergence of deviation. One of the key components of Russian and German concepts is socialization, which suggests that deviant behavior is often the result of insufficient integration of the individual into society. Thus, the analysis of deviance theories opens up prospects for further research and practical solutions to social and pedagogical problems.

Key words: deviation; deviance theory; pedagogical aspects of deviance theory; minors; theories of deviant behavior in Russia and Germany

For citation: Nakhmetova M. S., Dumov S. B. PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF RESEARCHING DEVIANT BEHAVIOR THEORIES IN RUSSIA AND GERMANY. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2024;(4):5–27. (In Russ.).


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