Bagrintseva Olga B.  –  Candidate of Philological sciences, associate professor; the head of the English language and professional communication department, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

Grokhovskaya Irina A.  –  Candidate of Philological sciences; an associate professor of the English language and professional communication department, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

UDC: 373.51

The article is devoted to the methodology of using neural networks in the process of creating and selecting teaching materials for organizing high-quality preparation for foreign language classes for engineering students. The main services allowing to create text documents and presentations, to generate images are considered, and also the pool of tasks prepared is given and the process of application of the generated content in foreign language classes with students of agroengineering specialty is described. The relevance of the study is quite high due to the characteristics of the object of study itself, as artificial intelligence (AI) services are constantly improving and developing, which determines their widespread use and implementation in the educational process at different levels and stages. The specificity of higher education implies differentiation and personalization of the educational process in accordance with the narrow focus of educational programs mastered by students. This task is within the functional range of modern neural networks. The use of AI services in foreign language classes with engineering students will allow structuring and effectively practicing technical vocabulary, offering students interesting tasks that, in addition to the educational function, have a high motivational component.

Key words: professional learning; learning methods; artificial intelligence (AI); neural networks; foreign language learning; university students

For citation: Bagrintseva O. B., Grokhovskaya I. A. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE USING POSSIBILITIES AT THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS (AT THE AGROENGINEERING SPECIALTY EXAMPLE) . Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2024;(3):105–127. (In Russ.).


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