Mitrakhovich Olesya V.  –  teacher, Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Engineering School of Clothing (college), Saint Petersburg, Russia,

UDC: 37.011.33

The article considers the concept of «awareness about the criminal liability of minors» as a pedagogical category. To this end, the authors resort to the methodological principles constituting the framework of pedagogy, philosophy, ethics, psychology, history, law, etc., logical and semantic analysis, as well as dialectical analysis of the categories of «universal» (awareness) – «special» (awareness about criminal liability) – «singular» (awareness about the criminal liability of minors). The category in question is shown through the lens of its functionality, which includes context and experience that make it meaningful and valuable in practice. Awareness about the criminal liability of minors consists in being aware about the legal consequences for preparing and committing crimes, for complicity, attempt, etc., that is, for violating the laws stipulated in the special section «Criminal liability of minors» in Chapter 14 «Peculiarities of criminal liability and punishment of minors» of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The distinctive features of criminal liability of persons of this age category are pointed out. Criminal liability rules are applied to them taking into account the social and psychological characteristics of persons of the age group. The knowledge should be applicable in real life, useful, as well as allow minors to tackle various tasks in life, to quickly adapt to the environment and a future profession, to find ways out of non-standard situations, and to process legal information. The article highlights the functions of awareness about the criminal liability of minors (informational, motivational, regulatory) that are, to a certain extent, autonomous and marked by interconnection, interdependence, indicating the presence of significant links between awareness about criminal liability and the personality of minors, as well as some structural components (evaluative, reflexive-semantic, motivational and activity-related) which are interrelated and act as an integrating element. The article will be of interest to a wide range of readers concerned with issues related to the legal education of minors, including teachers of humanities and legal disciplines in college.

Key words: legal education; awareness about the criminal liability of minors; college students

For citation: Mitrakhovich O. V. THE CONCEPT OF «AWARENESS ABOUT THE CRIMINAL LIABILITY OF MINORS» AS A PEDAGOGICAL CATEGORY. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2024;(3):29–56. (In Russ.).


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