Zykova Natalia Yu.  –  Сandidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of theory and methodology of physical culture, of pedagogy and psychology, Voronezh State Academy of Sports, Voronezh,

Mazkina Olga B.  –  Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology Department, Russia Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia,

UDC: 378

The article analyzes the problem of the formation of emotional competence of educators in the integral system of their professional pedagogical training. It differentiates such concepts as «emotional competence», «communicative competence» and «emotional intelligence», proposing the author's own understanding of the concept «emotional competence of teachers». An empirical study aimed at determining the level of the emotional competence of prospective specialists in the pedagogical field was conducted with a view of enhancing the level of their emotional competence and further development of the required pedagogical conditions. The article also provides the results of studying the emotional competence of students receiving education in the pedagogical field. The conclusions drawn on the basis of the obtained results made it possible to develop necessary pedagogical conditions for improving the emotional competence of future teachers.

Key words: emotional competence, self-management, emotional awareness, emotion management, training of future teachers, formation of emotional competence, pedagogical conditions

For citation: Zykova N. Y., Mazkina O. B. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR THE FORMATION OF EMOTIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE TEACHERS. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2023;(4):79–93. (In Russ.).


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