Khrapov Sergey A.  –  Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Professor of the Chair of Philosophy, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia, khrapov.s.a.aspu@gmail.com

Martynov Alexander G.  –  Applicant of the Chair of Philosophy, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia, gull_company@list.ru

UDC: 27-475

The article is devoted to a comprehensive understanding of Orthodox education in theological and pedagogical aspects. The authors give a brief historical overview of the formation of Orthodox education in the periods of Kievan Rus, Muscovy, the Russian Empire, the USSR and the modern Russia. In each of these stages, key events and characteristics for the development of Orthodox education as a theological and pedagogical phenomenon are highlighted. The study reveals the structure of Orthodox education in modern Russia and characterizes the specifics of the education of theologians in spiritual and secular educational institutions. The study concludes with the following key pedagogical problems of Orthodox education in modern Russia: the contradictions of legal regulation of the training of graduates for certain types of professional activity in spiritual and secular higher education institutions; problems of formation of the disciplinary content of educational programmes, problems of staffing, difficulties in providing educational and methodological literature; issues of application of digital technologies and innovative teaching methods in Orthodox education.

Key words: Orthodox education, history of Orthodox education, belief, theology, spiritual educational institution, secular educational institution, educational programs, pedagogical problems of Orthodox education

For citation: Khrapov S. A., Martynov A. G. ORTHODOX EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: THEOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL REFLECTION. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2023;(2):188–207. (In Russ.).


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