Kuznetsova Elena V.  –  Candidate of Science in Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Romance Philology, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

Sveshnikova Marina I.  –  Candidate of Science in Pedagogics, Associate Professor of the Department of Romance Philology, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

Teterskii Sergei V.  –  Doctor of Science in Pedagogics, Professor of the Chair of Social Pedagogics and Psychology, member of the Council of the Russian Academy of Education for the Development of Dissertation Research in the Field of Education Sciences, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia ,

UDC: 37.016:811.111

The article deals with the problems of cultural balance in the process of teaching foreign languages. A person is brought up in the field of his native culture, which forms the basic concepts and stereotypes from childhood. Learning a foreign language is accompanied by familiarity with a foreign language culture. Native culture and foreign language culture have not only points of contact, but also some discrepancies, which must be shown in the study of the subject “foreign language”. An example of the translation of poetic forms and units of the aphoristic level from Russian into French and from French into Russian is revealed in the article. Poetic works for children, allow us to track discrepancies in the associative series of background knowledge in different languages, which best reveals the characteristics of the language. Cultural differentiation of learning is necessary to prevent cultural disproportion in the process of learning a foreign language.

Key words: national culture, foreign language culture, cultural field, cultural disparity, cultural differentiation, translation of poetic works, phraseological units, aphorisms

For citation: Kuznetsova E. V., Sveshnikova M. I., Teterskii S. V. CULTURAL DISPROPORTION IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2022;(4):25–44. (In Russ.).


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