Kolenkova Natalia Yu.  –  Candidate of Sciences in Psychology; Associate Professor of the Chair of General and Cognitive Psychology, Head of the Directorate of Main Educational Programmes, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

Untervald Yuliya V.  –  Senior Lecturer at the Chair of Pedagogics and Professional Continuing Education, Chief of the Unit of Educational Process Planning and Realization, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

Kozak Marina V.  –  Senior Lecturer at the Chair of Pedagogics and Professional Continuing Education, Chief of Staff-Student Liaison Unit, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

UDC: 37.0

The experience of introducing and implementing individual educational trajectories (IET) in Astrakhan Tatishchev State University are described. Various methodological approaches to designing an educational process providing the students an opportunity to choose different elements of learning are studied. The results of studying tolerance/intolerance to uncertainty as a psychological and pedagogical basis of the choice made by students are presented. Organisational and pedagogical conditions for implementing IET are defined. These conditions are: including an additional structural component, which is an educational environment, into the model of a pedagogical system; structuring an educational programme according to the principles of modularity, variability and flexibility; involving students into activity which is naturally connected with the needs of a professional practical training, on the one hand, and personal reasons and meanings of a student, on the other hand; creating a comfortable psychological and pedagogical climate while forming IET of a future specialist.

Key words: individualization, individual educational trajectory (IET), individual educational route, educational environment, educational space, main educational programmess, university elective courses, personalization

For citation: Kolenkova N. Y., Untervald Y. V., Kozak M. V. INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL TRAJECTORIES IN THE CONTEXT OF CHOICE AND UNCERTAINTY. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2022;(3):94–112. (In Russ.).


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