Palatkina Galina V.  –  Doctor of Science in Pedagogics; Professor of the Chair of Social Pedagogics and Psychology, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

Khusainov Ruslan R.  –  postgraduate student in the Chair of Pedagogics and Professional Continuing Education, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

UDC: 336:37.013.77

Grant is an investment in the future, which gives tangible and palpable personal, team and socio-economic effect. But it has not yet become a separate subject of complex socio-psychological and pedagogical study that can reveal regularities of grant support organization and its influence on the formation of student activity as an object and subject of grant activity. In the modern system of education grant activity is often considered as a consumer activity, when the grantor offers current support to a person (educational grant to overcome the financial barrier of a student, for an internship at another university or enterprise) or to an organization (to pay for premises and equipment, for work of involved specialists and employees), participates in a specific event (or a cycle of events), and students try to get this support on a competitive basis. The article systematizes the results of the study of student grant activity. On that basis, this process is studied as a reproductive and creative activity that increases students’ interest in a research and publication activity, forms skills to develop the provisions for grant contests and personal recommendations to improve research, social and business activity. Grant activity also helps gain experience in conducting thorough examination of documents and materials provided for contests, and in organizing the work of the community of experts.

Key words: student grant activity, grant support, formation of student grant activity, grantor, grantee, state regulation of youth grant activity

For citation: Palatkina G. V., Khusainov R. R. STUDENT GRANT ACTIVITY AS A PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL PHENOMENON . Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2022;(1):5–21. (In Russ.).


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