Teterskii Sergei V.  –  Doctor of Science in Pedagogics, Professor of the Chair of Social Pedagogics and Psychology, member of the Council of the Russian Academy of Education for the Development of Dissertation Research in the Field of Education Sciences, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia ,

UDC: 37.09

Students’ term papers and final qualification papers can become a unique intellectual product if the research process becomes a constructor set divided into parts resembling the components of the research. Each component reveals the result of successive actions of the subjects of scientific cooperation (independent work, work with a supervisor, group work): 1) determining the field, topic, significance of the study and of the experimental group; 2) complying with the requirements for the format of the term paper and final qualifying work paper; 3) formulating the research apparatus: scientific dream, scientific question and hypothesis (as creative answers to it), relevance, object, subject, aim, objectives, stages; 4) disclosing the concepts used and conducting a critical analysis of the sources; 5) selecting research methods and developing a «home» experiment program; 6) registering and publishing research results; 7) defending the research and self-reflecting. The binding links between these research components are, firstly, the novelty of each part of the research process. And secondly, a motivation as the answer to the question «How to fall in a two-way love with your research and to get to know yourself better?». It is the understanding of true motivation and supporting it that allow the student to get rid of formalism and plagiarism, make his annual scientific researches systematic and long-lasting, as well as to allow him to fall in love with science as a process of searching for and finding the truth. Thanks to this construction process, the main attention during the training of a scientist is paid not only to conducting independent researches, but also to the scientific nature of their results, collective interaction, curiosity and imagination, allowing the supervisor to use the tools of current (interim) assessment of a young scientist development.

Key words: imagination, intellectual product, interest, research, truth, construction, construct, motivation, science, scientific cooperation

For citation: Teterskii S. V. CONSTRUCTING SCIENTIFIC WORK OF YOUNG RESEARCHERS AS A UNIQUE INTELLECTUAL PRODUCT . Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2021;(4):1–14. (In Russ.).


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