Simonova Tatyana N.  –  Doctor of Science in Pedagogics; Head of the Chair of Remedial Pedagogics, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University Astrakhan, Russia , tsimonova52@mail.ru

Avdeyeva Anna Nikolayevna  –  Master, teacher-defectologist, speech therapist of SBEI JSC «Boarding School named after S. I. Zdorovtsev», avdeeva-02@mail.ru

Buryak Svetlana Vladimirovna  –  Deputy Director for educational work of SBEI JSC «Boarding School named after S. I. Zdorovtsev», byr.svetlana2012@mail.ru

UDC: 159.923

The article presents the results of diagnostics of emotion recognition skills in preschool children with autism spectrum disorders. The actuality of this problem is determined by the fact that the recognition of emotions refers to the vital skills necessary for the interaction of a child with society, determines the success of their social adaptation. Based on a brief analysis of existing foreign and domestic clinical and psychological-pedagogical methods for diagnosing autism, the insufficient development of diagnostic tools for studying the skills of recognizing emotions in children with autism spectrum disorders, parameters and qualitative criteria for their assessment is proved. Therefore, the development of a methodology for purposeful psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of these skills and identification of their violations in children with autism spectrum disorders becomes an urgent task of correctional and developmental work, which allows creating conditions for determining the directions of their formation on the basis of an individually differentiated approach. The data on the peculiarities of the development of the emotional sphere of children with autism, on the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders among children of the Astrakhan region are presented. The authors propose a diagnostic complex that includes adapted tools for studying the skills of recognizing emotions in preschool children with autism spectrum disorders by visual signs of the face as a system of interrelated parameters, and their quantitative and qualitative assessment. Its testing helped to identify the features of emotional reception and emotional expression of basic emotions by visual signs of the face in this contingent of children, to provide a qualitative description of the levels: low, below average, average. These data have deepened the understanding of the features of the emotional development of children with autism spectrum disorders, which will facilitate the identification of directions of correctional and pedagogical work and increase its effectiveness.

Key words: children with autism spectrum disorders, pervasive disorders of mental development, emotional sphere, skills of recognizing emotions by visual signs of the face, diagnostic complex, emotional reception, emotional expression, levels of emotion recognition, success rate, social adaptation

For citation: Simonova T. N., Avdeyeva A. N., Buryak S. V. DIAGNOSTICS OF EMOTION RECOGNITION SKILLS OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2021;(2):73–91. (In Russ.).


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