Krivykh Natalja Ivanovna  –  Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate professor, Deputy director of the Center for Continuous Professional Development of Teachers of the SAEI of AR APE «Institute for the Development of Education «Platform»,

Krivykh Ludmila D.  –  Candidate of Sciences in Pedagogics, an associate professor, Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, the Russian Federation,

Bagrintseva Olga B.  –  Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor; the head of the English language and technical translation department, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

UDC: 37.02

The article is devoted to the problem of the need to assess and select educational technologies, taking into account their effectiveness and efficiency in the long term. The urgency of this problem lies in the fact that the trend of life-long learning, as opposed to the traditional "learning for life", involves the constant development of the personal effectiveness of today's students, and educational technologies, methods and techniques are designed, in general, to prepare to effectively respond to constant change. Modern interactive educational technologies change the stream of the educational way – not from theory to practice, but from new experience to its concept analyzing through using and that matches the demands of time and educational challenges. The authors of the article offer the following approach: problem-learning, project-learning, digital-tecnologies, context-learning, game-technologies, 4 c developing educational tools. By means of using interactive educational technologies future specialists get the results that are in demand in XXI century – soft skills for proactive and competitive being in VUCA-world. The article is addressed to teachers and lectures of foreign languages who are interested in the methods of teaching foreign languages based on new technologies.

Key words: innovative educational technologies, modern interactive educational technologies, innovative teaching models, soft skills, personal efficiency, problem-learning, context-learning, the technology of scientific project and research, 4c developing technologies, digital-technologies, game-technologies

For citation: Krivykh N. I., Krivykh L. D., Bagrintseva O. B. MODERN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES: INTERACTIVITY AS A PRINCIPLE OF EFFICIENCY . Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2020;(2):1-11. (In Russ.).

