Teterskii Sergei V.  –  Doctor of Science in Pedagogics, Professor of the Chair of Social Pedagogics and Psychology, member of the Council of the Russian Academy of Education for the Development of Dissertation Research in the Field of Education Sciences, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia ,

UDC: 001.891

The process of obtaining and applying scientific truth, neutral from the point of view of morality and ethics is based on moral assessments. The researcher's goal to achieve objectivity of knowledge through observation, classification, description, experiment and explanation of the studied natural phenomena is subjected to empirical testing using sensory subjective perception. Focusing on the requirements for the design and procedures for conducting scientific research, its author and supervisor-consultant often quite superficially relate to gratitude, which is the property of spiritual life, one of the results of knowledge of the sensory world, the basis of the forecast for knowledge, creative action in achieving the truth and for the future, which is dominated by the well-being of each person and society as a whole. The article deals with various approaches to the category of «gratitude» as the main axiological category, an ethical standard, the basis of moral authority, the subject of medical and psychological research, the assessment of the aesthetic side of the human environment, the speech genre, the ability to meet a person with a good future. The author reveals the specifics of gratitude for the researcher who chooses from a variety of sources of true knowledge (authority, intuition, reason, sensory experience) that is fundamental for all others. The resource potential of gratitude is considered based on the three subjects of scientific interaction that support the researcher: predecessors, assistants (scientific supervisor-consultant-mentor, representatives of the scientific school, including co-authors and supporting staff), and followers. In accordance with the proposed classification and the specifics of gratitude, developing of new approaches to research focuses on: the development of the thankfully-critical thinking (in relation to precursors); the validity of the right to be grateful (in relation assistants); of gratitude as external evaluation researcher and his contribution to the good memory of me (in terms of followers).

Key words: axiology, gratitude, research, resources, science, ethics, aesthetics, scientific predecessors, scientific followers, scientific assistants

For citation: Teterskii S. V. GRATITUDE AS A RESOURCE OF RESEARCH. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2020;(3):13-26. (In Russ.).

