Spasennikov Valery V.  –  Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia,

UDC: 37.01

The article shows that despite the sharpness of the issue of academic dishonesty among students in Russian and foreign universities, insufficient attention is paid to the development of ethical rules regulating penalties for plagiarism in higher education. The work features a review of domestic and foreign theoretical research in the field of analysis of the structure and levels of values of academic ethics in the educational environment of the university. On the basis of a representative sample of senior students of Bryansk State Technical University specialising in ‘Security of automated systems’ (114 students), the most common forms of academic dishonesty were identified by such means as interviewing and a questionnaire survey, and the manifestation of ethical values indicators such as responsibility, honesty and respect was determined. The ways reduce the level of academic fraud at a technical university are proposed, and prospects for further research are outlined.

Key words: academic dishonesty, ethical values, scientific information, questionnaire, honesty, respect, responsibility, measures to combat dishonest behavior of students

For citation: Spasennikov V. V. ANALYSIS OF TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS OF ACADEMIC DISHONESTY AND WAYS TO FORM ETHICAL VALUES. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2024;(1):101–124. (In Russ.).


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