Zhovner Evgeniy V.  –  postgraduate student of Psychology Department, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

Alexandrova Svetlana E.  –  senior lecturer of Physical Culture Department, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

UDC: 159.922.8

Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign sources focused on the advancement of cognitive activity in adolescents, as well as the behavioral characteristics of adolescents, the primary methods of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (CBT) are discussed. The authors claims that each teenager is unique, and their experiences may differ. However, there are some common factors that can result in various communication difficulties during adolescence. One of these factors is bullying, which encompasses physical, verbal, or social violence in a school setting. Persistent bullying and humiliation by peers can result in feelings of inferiority, alienation, and fear, which can subsequently lead to anxiety and depression in a teenager. The article highlights the emergence of new forms of cruelty, such as cyberbullying and cyberstalking, due to the advancement of digital technologies. Cyberbullying involves using the Internet and social media to harass, threaten, and discriminate, while cyberstalking is the obsessive surveillance of a teenager online. Both of these behaviors can result in feelings of helplessness, fear, and social isolation, leading to anxiety and depression. The authors emphasizes the importance of choosing the most effective method when working with adolescents, in order to promote positive changes in their psychological well-being and development. The article concludes that CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is an effective and widely used approach in the work of psychologists with adolescents.

Key words: parenting, teen, cognitive behavioral therapy, bullying, cyberbullying, cyberstalking

For citation: Zhovner E. V., Alexandrova S. E. COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL APPROACH OF A PSYCHOLOGIST IN WORKING WITH ADOLESCENTS: METHODS AND PRACTICES. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2024;(1):53–67. (In Russ.).


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