Begidova Svetlana N.  –  Doctor of Science in Pedagogics, Professor, Professor of the Chair of Theoretical Foundations of Physical Education, Adyghe State University, Maikop, Russia, begidovasn@mail.ru

Khuazheva Dzhaneta D.  –  Second-year postgraduate student, Adyghe State University, Maikop, Russia, Dzhannat888@mail.ru

Akhtaov Ruslan A.  –  Candidate of Science in Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Physical Culture and Judo of Adyghe State University, Adyghe State University, Maikop, Russia, rus-akhtaov@yandex.ru

UDC: 37.014.12

Readiness for responsible marriage and parenthood is formed in children brought up in blood families from an early age. They master the social roles of husband, wife, brother, sister, etc. in the conditions of implicit system of upbringing, which allows them to be conscious enough to master and fulfil family roles. The situation is different for children brought up in residential institutions: orphans and children left without parental care either have no experience of family life with their parents at all or, as a rule, have a negative experience. This category of adolescents in the post-institutionalisation period is not ready both for independent life and for creating and maintaining a family, which is indicated by statistical data and the research of many scientists. The article presents the results of the study of the evaluation of orphans' readiness for responsible marriage. Sixty adolescents (graduates of residential institutions and children brought up in substitute families) took part in the experiment. Analysis of the results showed that this category of adolescents has an idealised idea of the family and readiness for family life (the data were obtained using self-assessment techniques). An objective evaluation of orphaned adolescents' readiness for a responsible attitude to marriage showed that these perceptions diverge from reality. The majority of adolescents are not ready to take responsibility for the family: difficulties arise in building interpersonal relationships, fulfilling social roles, household duties, etc. This fact indicates that adolescents are potential reproducers of replicative orphanhood; it is also consistent with the results obtained by other scientists. Thus, the results of the study convince us of the need for targeted work on the formation of a responsible attitude to marriage in this category of adolescents.

Key words: orphans, children left without parental care, marriage, parenthood, responsible attitude, replicative orphanhood, family values, social roles

For citation: Begidova S. N., Khuazheva Dzhaneta, Akhtaov R. A. EVALUATION OF READINESS FOR RESPONSIBLE MARRIAGE OF ORPHANS AND CHILDREN LEFT WITHOUT PARENTAL CARE . Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2023;(3):78–101. (In Russ.).


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