Rybachuk Nataliya A.  –  Doctor of Science in Pedagogics, Professor of the Chair of Physical Education, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia,

Golubeva Alexandra S.  –  Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Physical Education, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia,

UDC: 796

The article is devoted to innovative approaches to teaching students, as well as to the process of their independent preparation using successive stages of training. The procedure for the development of theoretical tests, motor tasks and situational tasks using the Internet is presented. As a result of the analysis of the training tasks compiled by students in online learning, a new content of lectures was determined and problematic questions were formed. It is determined that the main thing in the organization and content of the lecture is to find and build a unified educational field. In terms of time (30 minutes) and organization, this lecture cannot be considered classical. The purpose of the new lectures is to teach students to analyze, synthesize and process information. The organization of new lectures includes elements of debate battles, semantic trainings, disputes, model design, which arouses interest in the discipline and motivates the organization of self-study. The content of the professional case of student self-training (individual route of student labor and recreation) is presented.

Key words: theoretical testing, self-training, students, successive pedagogical stages of education, physical education, sports

For citation: Rybachuk N. A., Golubeva A. S. INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO THE ORGANIZATION AND CONTENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS COURSE. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2023;(2):88–104. (In Russ.).


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