Chebotareva Irina V.  –  Doctor of Science in Pedagogics, Full Professor; Head of the Chair of Preschool Education, State Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Lugansk People’s Republic «Lugansk State Pedagogical University» of Ministry of Education and Science of the LPR, Lugansk, Russia ,

Bibik Elena Yu.  –  Doctor of Science in Medicine, Full Professor; Head of the Chair of Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, State Institution of the Lugansk People’s Republic «St. Luke Lugansk State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the LPR, Lugansk, Russia,

UDC: 316.811

The article focuses on the significance of family as a social institute and «educational cradle of humankind». It emphasizes the crisis phenomena occurring in the modern family and actualizing the improvement of the quality of preparing the younger generation for family life. The sensitivity of student age and the availability of psychological and pedagogical potential of universities in solving the problem are outlined. Forming the family culture is seen as one of the tasks of family education. The essence of the culture of family health as a basic component of the family culture is analysed. The culture of family health is studied taking into account physical, mental, spiritual and social components of health. Special attention is paid to such a risk factor as an alcohol addiction, which is one of the main reasons for divorces. The article offers a number of tasks, the implementation of which in practical classes in the discipline of «Family Pedagogics» will contribute to the formation of the culture of family health.

Key words: family, social institute, student youth, preparation for family life, forming the culture of family health

For citation: Chebotareva I. V., Bibik E. Y. PECULIARITIES OF FORMING CULTURE OF FAMILY HEALTH IN THE PROCESS OF PREPARING STUDENT YOUTH FOR FAMILY LIFE. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2022;(4):96–114. (In Russ.).


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