Belyakova Galina V.  –  Doctor of Science in Philology, Deputy Head of the Center of Pedagogical Staff’s Continuing Education «Teacher of the Future», Аstrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

Gavrilkina Tatiana Yu.  –  Candidate of Science in Philology; lead document manager of Human Resources Policy Directorate, Аstrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia ,

Kalinina Marina A.  –  Candidate of Science in Philology; Associate Professor of the Chair of the Russian and Foreign Languages and Literature, Volgograd State Institute of Art and Culture, Volgograd, Russia,

Kulikova Marina V.  –  Candidate of Science in Philology; Deputy Director for Education and Upbringing, MBGEI «Gymnasium 3», Astrakhan, Russia,

UDC: 81’271

The issues of the use of digital technologies in the educational process of teaching the Russian language have been studied. The reasons for the poor formation of linguistic competence of students in the field of word formation have been indicated. The concept of derivational literacy has been investigated and the necessity of its formation among schoolchildren has been proved. The importance of personal, regulative and cognitive universal learning activities (ULA) of students in the formation of derivational literacy has been noted. Possibilities of using digital tools of the scientific and educational portal of the Russian language “Yarus” to form derivational literacy of students are described. There has been made an attempt to comprehensively characterize the digital tools of the portal which included an analysis of the sections containing theoretical information, various online games (crosswords, cryptograms, rebuses), online services (tests), as well as electronic dictionaries. The conclusion has been made that the effectiveness of teaching students morphemics, morphonology and word formation with the use of digital tools is increasing.

Key words: digital tools, interactivity, the Russian language, word formation, derivational literacy, language competence, universal learning activities, system-activity approach, cognitive and communicative approach

For citation: Belyakova G. V., Gavrilkina T. Y., K. M., Kulikova M. V. DIGITAL TOOLS FOR DEVELOPING DERIVATIONAL LITERACY AMONG SCHOOLCHILDREN. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2022;(1):41–67. (In Russ.).


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