ISSN 2782-2346
Teterskii Sergei V. – Doctor of Science in Pedagogics, Professor of the Chair of Social Pedagogics and Psychology, member of the Council of the Russian Academy of Education for the Development of Dissertation Research in the Field of Education Sciences, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia ,
UDC: 378.061.62
The scientific interest of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students in conducting research is considered as an indicator of their efficiency, effectiveness, and efficiency of scientific activity and as an indicator of the dynamics of the formation of a scientist and the development of science in general. Five interrelated and mutually dependent scientometric characteristics of scientific interest are identified, classified according to the selected objects and subjects of scientific interaction of a novice researcher: interest in oneself as a scientist; interest in science as a system of objective knowledge and as an activity aimed at developing and systematizing objective knowledge about reality; interest in the scientific supervisor and the scientific school of the department, faculty, university; interest in the scientific environment formed in the student group, university, region. In accordance with the presented classification of scientific interest, five main directions of stimulating scientific interest among novice researchers are justified: creating an attractive image of a scientist; focusing on the unknown, ambiguous, rapidly changing future, on the novelty in all methodological, content, structural and design elements of the research process and results; assisting in the organization of an experiment based on the scientific dream of a novice scientist; assistance in determining the area of immediate development of a novice scientiand selecting scientific mentors; organization of a supportive scientific environment, an atmosphere of creativity and mutual support.
Key words: imagination, researcher, research activity, curiosity, scientific research, scientometric characteristics, scientific dream, scientific school, scientific interest, novelty, stimulation
For citation: Teterskii S. V. STIMULATION OF SCIENTIFIC INTEREST AMONG NOVICE RESEARCHERS. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2021;(1):37–57. (In Russ.).
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