Alexander A. Svirid  –  senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Education, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia,

UDC: 37.091.4

Constructive, organized interaction between the family and the educational organization is the key to a qualitative solution of the vast majority of pedagogical problems. To solve the actual problem of the formation of sustainable sports motivation in teenagers, it is also necessary to use the resources of family education fully. This requires purposeful work of teachers, in particular, coaches of sports schools. The meaning of such work is to support family education through updating, optimizing, and developing the pedagogical resources of the family. The purpose of the study was to clarify the coach's work, focused on supporting family education in order to achieve sustainable motivation of teenagers to be involved in sports activities and to continue playing sports. As a result, special programs for coaches to work with the families both involved and not yet involved in sports have been developed in order to raise parents’ awareness in increasing children's sports motivation. The parents’ educational activities to form stable motivation in children to play sports, the basis of the activities of a coach to support the educational potential of the family are revealed.

Key words: family physical education, educational potential of the family, coaching, sports, sports motivation, sustainable motivation formation, pedagogical support, pedagogical interaction

For citation: Alexander A. S. COACH’S ACTIVITIES OF FAMILY EDUCATION SUPPORT FOR THE FORMATION OF SUSTAINABLE SPORTS MOTIVATION IN CHILDREN. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2023;(4):138–158. (In Russ.).


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