Sannikova Nataliia Yu.  –  Candidate of Science in Philology, Associate Professor; Chief of the Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, Astrakhan, Russia,

UDC: 811.512.164

The article offers a strategy for improving the phonetic competence of Turkmen speaking students from the point of view of the communicative and cognitive approach to teaching a foreign language. It was found that the wrongly formed pronunciation skills of non-native speakers, determined by phonetic interference and caused by the differences in the graphical and phonetic systems and the articulation base, the specific phoneme inventory, the features of phonetic laws in the Turkmen and Russian languages, as well as the different nature of prosodic systems, are subject to thorough correction at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language (RFL), since they hinder the process of forming correct and accentless pronunciation, as well as the perception of Russian speech in general. Since the phonetic skills are an integral part of the communicative competence and they significantly determine the success of the communication process, the teacher of RFL must have clear understanding of the reasons of listening and pronunciation and rhythmic-intonation errors caused by the phenomenon of interference. To optimize the process of improving the phonetic competence it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of unconscious transfer of skills from the native language to the mastered language, making the process of mastering phonetic skills predictable and manageable, and not spontaneous. The choice of teaching methods should take into account the reasons of interference error.

Key words: communicative and cognitive approach, RFL, Turkmen language, phonetics, intoneme, interference, interference error

For citation: Sannikova N. Y. COMMUNICATIVE AND COGNITIVE APPROACH TO IMPROVING PHONETIC COMPETENCE OF TURKMEN STUDENTS . Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2023;(1):134–160. (In Russ.).


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