Mitrakhovich Vyacheslav A.  –  Doctor of Science in Pedagogics, Full Professor, Senior researcher of the research department of the organization of innovation and evaluation of the quality of the educational process, Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny Military Academy of Signal Communications of the Orders of Lenin, Zhukov and the Red Banner of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia, V_mitrakhovich@mail.ru

Spirin Anton P.  –  Candidate of Science in Pedagogics, lecturer of the Department of Military-Political Work in the military (forces), Military Educational Institution of Logistics named after General of the Army A.V. Кhrulyov» of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia, sap1410@mail.ru

UDC: 378:355.23

The article deals with the Russian national identity as a professional value of a serviceman. The directions and results of diagnosing the state of practice of forming Russian national identity as a professional value in the cadets of military universities are presented. The specifics of the focus of legal documents on the formation of the studied personal education in the cadets is considered. The teaching materials of socio-humanitarian disciplines are analyzed in terms of their focus on the formation of the Russian national identity as a professional value in the cadets. The article presents the results of the survey in which teachers of socio-humanitarian disciplines in military universities have taken part. The teachers' understanding of the objectives of the educational process in military universities is revealed. The opinion of teachers on the issue of organizing purposeful work on the formation of the Russian national identity as a professional value in the cadets is presented. The contradictions of formation of Russian national identity as a professional value in cadets are determined based on the analysis of the state of this process.

Key words: socio-humanitarian disciplines, identity, national identity, Russian national identity, professional values, professional value orientations, cadets, military universities

For citation: Mitrakhovich V. A., Spirin A. P. DIAGNOSING THE STATE OF THE PRACTICE OF FORMING RUSSIAN NATIONAL IDENTITY AS A PROFESSIONAL VALUE IN CADETS OF MILITARY UNIVERSITIES. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2022;(2):58–77. (In Russ.).


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