Zykova Natalia Yurievna  –  Сandidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of theory and methodology of physical culture, of pedagogy and psychology FSBEI HE «Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture»,

Mazkina Olga B.  –  Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology Department, Russia Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia, mazkina-olga@mail.ru

UDC: 371.311.1 + 378

The article presents the experience of organizing tutor support in the higher education system. The authors note that the modern education system faces an important task of organizing an effective system of tutoring activities in the educational space of the higher education institution, the solution of which is seen in the implementation of continuous individualized education, which allows taking into account the individual capabilities of any student, which will contribute to his self-education and self-development. As one of the ways to solve this problem, it is proposed to consider the tutor support of the individual development trajectory of a first-year student, which contributes to his effective social adaptation. The structure of the tutor activity reveals the areas of work with students (administrative, organizational-educational, organizational-scientific, organizational-extracurricular, corporate), forming their skills of communication, interaction and mutual assistance, contributing to the development of socially and professionally significant personal qualities, preparing for future professional activities. On the basis of an empirical research of students of the Voronezh Institute of Physical Culture, the success of tutor support for the adaptation of first-year students is proved: the level of neuropsychiatric tension is normal, communication is established productively, the level of aggressiveness, conflict is within the norm, they are readily included in the established order of the educational space of the higher education institution.

Key words: tutor, tutor support, individualization of the educational process, educational space of the higher education institution, socialization of first-year students, adaptation of first-year students, social and educational adaptation, future professional activity

For citation: Zykova N. Y., Mazkina O. B. EXPERIENCE IN ORGANIZING TUTOR SUPPORT IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2021;(1):58–74. (In Russ.).


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