Mitrakhovich Vyacheslav A.  –  Doctor of Science in Pedagogics, Full Professor, Senior researcher of the research department of the organization of innovation and evaluation of the quality of the educational process, Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny Military Academy of Signal Communications of the Orders of Lenin, Zhukov and the Red Banner of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia,

Spirin Anton P.  –  Candidate of Science in Pedagogics, lecturer of the Department of Military-Political Work in the military (forces), Military Educational Institution of Logistics named after General of the Army A.V. Кhrulyov» of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia,

UDC: 37.013

The article studies an important pedagogical task, which is to enable cadets to accept their Russian national identity as a professional value and to understand its role and significance in work. The possibilities of Humanities and Social disciplines taught at military universities to form cadets' value-based attitude to Russian national identity are revealed. The article presents the results of a pedagogical experiment aimed to form future officers’ value attitude to the Russian national identity as a spiritual re-source capable of rooting them both in the profession and in life in general. A level model of the formation of this value attitude has been developed. Professional and value pedagogical situations based on axiological tasks of various levels of difficulty are seen as a means of forming cadets' attitude to the Russian national identity as a professional value.

Key words: Humanities and Social disciplines, Russian national identity, cadets, professional values, value relations, professional and value pedagogical situations, axiological tasks, pedagogical experiment, level model

For citation: Mitrakhovich V. A., Spirin A. P. RESULTS OF STUDYING THE PROCESS OF FORMING CADETS' ATTITUDE TO THE RUSSIAN NATIONAL IDENTITY AS A PROFESSIONAL VALUE . Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2021;(3):1–22. (In Russ.).


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