Vlasyuk Irina V.  –  Doctor of Science in Pedagogics; Director of the Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia,

Savchenko Irina Alexandrovna  –  Senior lecturer of the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Regional Studies of FSАEI HE «Volgograd State University»,

UDC: 379.8

The article gives a definition of the concept of «youth» and «students», it is noted that, in contrast to middle-aged people, young people learn new things more easily, react quickly to innovations. Among young people in general, in our opinion, students are of particular scientific interest, which, due to their significant educational level, entrepreneurial age, and active behavior, will act as a strategic resource for modernization transformations in society. Being the most progressive part of the youth, the students are most acutely aware of the ongoing changes in the life of society. Students are characterized by a certain degree of marginality and the associated high socio-political mobility; the presence of a complex structure of motives. In addition, youth, being the bearer of the future image of society, must be subdivided into categories. More significant attention of researchers is paid to students, because this group, as many domestic and foreign scientists note, is characterized by physical activity, increased involvement in the political and socio-economic processes of society, the desire for new things; it is also characterized by the replenishment of qualified ranks of specialists who are able to acquire the necessary skills for further successful and productive work in a short time.

Key words: youth, students, socio-demographic group, upbringing, characteristic features of modern youth, youth age, youth policy, potential

For citation: Vlasyuk I. V., Savchenko I. A. YOUTH AND STUDENTS IN MODERN SOCIETY: UNIVERSAL FEATURES AND SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS. Pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Pedagogical Research. 2021;(2):1–13. (In Russ.).


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